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Satisfaction Studies


Our satisfaction studies help organizations gauge customer satisfaction levels, identify areas of improvement, and enhance customer retention strategies. By understanding customer needs and expectations, we help our clients deliver exceptional experiences that foster loyalty and drive business growth. 


Our satisfaction studies offer valuable insights to our clients, including:


  • Satisfaction Index: We measure and quantify overall satisfaction levels, providing a comprehensive assessment of how satisfied customers or clients are with your products, services, or brand.

  • Satisfaction Drivers: We identify the key factors that drive customer satisfaction, helping you understand the aspects of your business that have the most significant impact on customer happiness and loyalty.

  • Ranking of Satisfaction Attributes: We rank and prioritize the various attributes or elements that contribute to customer satisfaction, enabling you to focus on areas that are most crucial for enhancing the overall customer experience.

  • Impact Analysis: We conduct an impact analysis that highlights areas for improvement, areas to maintain, areas with potential for growth, and areas that can be deprioritized, allowing you to allocate resources effectively and address areas of concern.

  • Competitive Positioning on Satisfaction Attributes: We compare your satisfaction performance with that of your competitors, providing insights into your relative strengths and weaknesses and helping you understand your competitive positioning.

  • Client/Consumer Expectations and Suggestions: We gather client or consumer expectations and suggestions, enabling you to gain a deeper understanding of their needs and preferences, and use their feedback to enhance satisfaction levels.

  • Net Promoter Score (NPS): We calculate the NPS, which measures customer loyalty and advocacy. This score helps you identify promoters, passives, and detractors, allowing you to focus on strategies that improve customer loyalty and drive positive word-of-mouth.

About Company

MKZ Technologies is the leading provider of Market Research and Business Intelligence consulting. Founded in 2022, our team of experts bring together a unique blend of knowledge in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Information Systems, and Statistics to provide businesses with the insights they need to make informed decisions.

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Apartment A3, 3rd level, 3-storey building opposite Hotel Juliana, Rue ancien cinéma le Kondi, Cité des Palmiers, Douala, Cameroon


(+237) 670 552 221

(+237) 699 592 309


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