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Usage & Attitudes  Research Services


Our Usage & Attitude (U&A) research services delve deep into consumer behaviors, attitudes, and usage patterns. By understanding the motivations behind consumer choices, we help organizations tailor their products, services, and marketing strategies to meet customer needs effectively. 


  • Incidence/Penetration: We assess the level of product usage or category adoption within the target market, helping you understand the reach and popularity of your products or services.

  • Brand Funnel: We analyze the consumer journey from brand awareness to loyalty, providing insights on brand perception, consideration, preference, and advocacy.

  • Market Share: We measure your market share to determine your position in the competitive landscape, allowing you to benchmark your performance and identify growth opportunities.

  • NPS (Net Promoter Score): We calculate the NPS to gauge customer loyalty and advocacy, helping you understand the likelihood of customers recommending your brand to others.

  • Market Potential: We estimate the untapped market potential to identify growth opportunities and assess the overall attractiveness of the market.

  • Market Sizing: We quantify the market size in terms of volume and value, providing a comprehensive understanding of the market's scale and value proposition.

  • Consumption Moments & Frequency: We analyze consumer behavior to identify the occasions and frequency of product or category consumption, helping you target your marketing efforts effectively.

  • Opinion towards Products or Categories: We capture and evaluate consumer opinions and attitudes towards specific products or product categories, providing insights into customer preferences and perceptions.

  • Hidden Needs: We uncover latent or unexpressed customer needs, enabling you to identify new product opportunities or refine existing offerings.

  • Barriers to Consumption/Adoption: We identify obstacles or barriers that hinder product consumption or adoption, helping you develop strategies to overcome them and drive customer engagement.

  • Opportunities & Threats: We assess the opportunities and threats within your product category, providing insights to inform your strategic decision-making and competitive positioning.

About Company

MKZ Technologies is the leading provider of Market Research and Business Intelligence consulting. Founded in 2022, our team of experts bring together a unique blend of knowledge in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Information Systems, and Statistics to provide businesses with the insights they need to make informed decisions.

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Apartment A3, 3rd level, 3-storey building opposite Hotel Juliana, Rue ancien cinéma le Kondi, Cité des Palmiers, Douala, Cameroon


(+237) 670 552 221

(+237) 699 592 309


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